Team Rubicon | Built to Serve | SWEAT

The SWEAT (Service Women’s Education and Training) program was created to connect a diverse community of women with shared values who advocate for women’s advancement, enhance leadership skills through women-led education and training events, and create a dedicated support system that empowers Greyshirt volunteers, personally and professionally.


The inaugural event empowered women to build their skill set in chainsaw operations and learn the tools of mental health first aid. By breaking down the obstacles to participation, SWEAT helps women build the confidence to step up on operations and provides the tools for positive mental health, on and off deployment.


By removing the obstacles to participation, we will be equipping women as sawyers who can jump into any disaster response and contribute equally to any male counterpart. We will teach techniques that allow anyone to operate a chainsaw, despite size or strength.


By empowering women and building the capacity of our volunteer base, we will have a network of supportive, diverse, and inclusive individuals that embody the ethos of Team Rubicon; a community that is positive, informed and creates an intersectional understanding with equal representation.


The mental health first aid training, complemented by curated conversations, will better equip these women to navigate complex environments and create a safe space for open dialogue and peer-to-peer relations.