Team Rubicon | Built to Serve | Veteran Impact

The physical, mental, emotional, and social wellness of our country’s returning veterans are of national importance. As our veterans have returned home, many have experienced challenges navigating the transition back into civilian life.

While there are real and difficult issues plaguing our veterans – a lack of resources and understanding around mental health, homelessness, unemployment – Team Rubicon does not see our veterans as broken. At Team Rubicon, veterans are the agent of our mission, not the object.

By engaging our veterans in continued service through disaster response, not only does Team Rubicon provide relief to affected communities, but many veteran volunteers begin to regain the purpose, community, and identity that is difficult to find upon leaving the armed forces.

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Eric Depenau

Captain in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Primary Reserve

I was approached by Team Rubicon Canada (TRC) and immediately saw TRC as a vehicle that would allow folks like myself to take all the things we had learned through the military and emergency response, and apply them to recovery efforts. That’s why I joined TRC – to serve with outstanding people, and to work with communities while they tackle the challenges that follow emergencies. I hope more people will see, as I do, the value in volunteering their time with TRC in disaster response.