Team Rubicon | Built to Serve | Careers

Team Rubicon requires individuals foolish enough to think they can change the world, and smart enough to have a chance.

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The Story of Team Rubicon Canada

Team Rubicon is BUILT TO SERVE. What are you built for? Take a look back at the origins of Team Rubicon Canada.

Read The Story

Cultural Principles

Culture is king.

  • Mission First, Greyshirts Always.

    • Anyone joining Team Rubicon must understand that our mission to provide disaster response comes first. But it is our volunteer members (who wear our signature ‘grey shirts’ on response operations) who make that mission possible. Our leaders serve our members, and in doing so enable our members to serve their communities.

  • Step Into the Arena.

    • Team Rubicon needs leaders who aren’t afraid to dare to be great. We’re not interested in those who stand outside the arena lobbing in criticism; we look for the bold soul who despite the threat of failure, steps inside to pursue greatness.

  • Everyone Has a Role. Know It.

    • We can’t all be good at everything. As leaders, we must work to define roles and maximize the contribution of our teammates. As teammates, we aspire to work in harmony toward achieving a higher goal than any one of us could accomplish on our own.

  • Get Shit Done.

    • This is our attitude. It has been since the beginning. Team Rubicon was born with the belief that if we only look at obstacles, if we only listen to and make excuses, then success will not be ours. We are entrepreneurial, resourceful and determined no matter how chaotic the situation.

  • Change Your Socks.

    • Like military service, committing to becoming the best disaster response organization in the world can be mentally, physically and emotionally grueling. We should take care of ourselves and each other so we are best equipped to serve those in greatest need. Many of our employee benefits are designed to promote wellness and we encourage staff to take advantage of them.

  • Adults Only.

    • At Team Rubicon, we strictly forbid dueling, but we don’t forbid much else. We strive to treat team members like adults. Want a beer after a long day? Just be smart. Need a few days off? Cool, just let us know. As long as we act like adults, we’ll be treated like adults.

  • Your Mother’s a Donor.

    • We shouldn’t be afraid to spend money—that will only throttle growth. But, we must be prepared to defend every dollar we spend. Think of it this way—imagine your mother donated that dollar. Would you spend it? Every leader must be committed to fiduciary responsibility, transparency and financial stewardship.

Careers at Team Rubicon Canada