On the Frontlines of Recovery: A Kiwi’s Experience in Jasper’s Wildfire Response | Team Rubicon

On the Frontlines of Recovery: A Kiwi’s Experience in Jasper’s Wildfire Response

Home after two weeks in Alberta, Canada as part of a seven-person Taskforce Kiwi contingent supporting Team Rubicon Canada in the aftermath of the devastating wildfire that flattened more than 350 homes in the breathtakingly beautiful town of Jasper.

Op Wild Rose is an ongoing recovery operation providing those that have lost their homes access to a sifting operation free of charge, where Team Rubicon meet residents at their property, enter the remains of their foundations and meticulously searches within the maze of steel, brick and ashes for any sign of possessions that had survived the scorching blaze. Sifting is a very special opportunity to support Jasperites in processing the deep loss they have suffered, and many stories, memories, and tears were shared as a sense of closure settled around the broken bones of each and every home we were invited to search.

Suited up in full PPE with bear spray at the ready, sweating in 33°C heat, five Strike Teams consisting of Team Rubicon and Taskforce Kiwi volunteers completed two sift operations each and every day, returning treasures to their owners after a strict decontamination process.

As the deployment progressed; I spent a few days working alongside the Operations Section Chief (CIMS Ops Function Manager equivalent) before being promoted to Strike Team Leader for the remainder of the deployment. It was an absolute honour to plan and lead sifting operations unique to each property and hold responsibility for the safety of a powerful team of experienced and specialized military veterans and emergency responders. Strike Team Charlie – thank you for delivering on everything I asked of you.

Conducting intakes with residents as they returned back to Jasper for the first time post-evacuation, performing site surveys to ensure the safety of sifting teams through the assessment of a variety of hazards including structural integrity of foundations and locating hazardous building materials, and calling residents to have hard conversations when sifting was deemed too dangerous, is all experience I am bringing home for future missions with Taskforce Kiwi.

It was a privilege to thank Team Rubicon in person for their hard work on the ground in Hawkes Bay during Cyclone Gabrielle. Greyshirts knuckle down and ‘get shit done’, showing dedication and compassion beyond words and I am so proud to have earned my grey shirt during this operation.

Massive thank you to the Taskforce Kiwi team supporting from New Zealand, my new Kiwi friends, Canadian friends, and the tight-knit community of Jasper that embraced us with open arms. This was truly a deployment I’ll never forget.

Join our team: https://team-rubicon.ca/volunteer/